A Loner by Choice

Yes, it is true. I’ll be the first to admit it. I am a loner. However, it is a choice, not because I was shunned by society. You see, society and I don’t see eye to eye. I don’t see why society is shaped how it is. The first problem is self-worth. People tend to look towards materialistic objects to define their self-worth. By no means am I saying you shouldn’t have nice things, but to think that makes you special, or better than another human being is a tad bit twisted for my taste. Our society has us chasing Hollywood stars as if that should be our, “life goals.” You are you. You are one of 7 billion people, all different. Why try to be someone other than you? Chasing false happiness will lead to lots of negative in your life. Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. So look within, because there’s where you’ll find what you really want. Self-worth for me is my character, my integrity. At the end of the day, can I go to bed and say, “Am I satisfied with my soul?” The trends fade, but your actions once completed, are set in stone. Over the course of your life, your actions become your legacy. I am perfect? God no, but I am trying to improve each and every day, no matter how small the improvement may be. I was once like a lot of people. I was fake, and my soul wasn’t worth selling to a pawn shop. I learned to accept myself, which also meant I learned not to care about the opinions of others. I took off my mask. Most people can’t understand it, saying I’ve changed and what not. I’m just real, and I won’t hate on you for not being real, I’ll just walk my path alone. I’ve always been really good at reading people and because of this I can sense a bullshitter from a mile away. It allows me to walk my path unbothered by those who can’t see what I see. The most powerful emotions on earth such as love and kindness, are being overshadowed by the label of “weak,” but that is far from the truth. They fill me with more energy than anything I’ve ever felt, and that’s why whatever I do with my life, I ultimately want to help those who can never repay me. Just because I walk my path alone, doesn’t mean I’m not willing to be around people. By that I mean the right people. People who push me to be a better me, people who try to keep the positive vibes on point. For the most part, I walk alone in my journey. That is fine because it’s my journey, not anyone else’s. That doesn’t make me better than anyone, it makes me, me. Just don’t try to stop me, because I will change the lives of people, and that will be my legacy. 


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